Potato Tubers of more than 25+ Varieties
We specialize in understanding and defining key milestones necessary for product innovations in multiple food categories. Together with the engineering expertise available within the company, we are able to run pilot trials in our own labs and establish key milestones, and have delivered industrial scale production lines with high level of automation


FPO Partners

Improvements in Farmer income


States in India
Our Global Presence
Potato Supply Chain
Material supplied to our customers undergoes stringent quality tests. Network of calibrated quality testing labs across our operating region ensures delivery of predetermined quality to our customers. We assure round the year supplies that meet the customer’s quality standards. We also cater to special grading requests. SV Agri strives to create value across the food supply chain and food processing sector by blending knowledge of agriculture, food processing and technology.

Round the Year Supply
We have an extensive network of farmers across 7 states across: Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat,Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh,Maharashtra and Karnataka. Through these networks, we assure and insure supply of potatoes to our clients at competitive prices. We continues to expand its network and penetrate further into new and existing states.

Agri Inputs
High quality agri inputs are essential to achieve higher production and good quality produce. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure availability of good quality planting material for our farmers.

Facilitating Finance
we consider access to finance as a critical input and hence actively works with banks and NBFC’s to catalyse the flow of credit to our farmers. At present. we work with a few public sector banks and are looking forward to creating more such partnerships in this field and offer the best financing options to our farmers by creating SHG's and FPO's
Facilitating Insurance
We work with leading insurance companies and is planning to develop more such partnerships in time to ensure easy access to crop insurance for farmers.

Aeroponics is a technology to grow plants in an air mist environment without soil or any aggregate medium. Fast multiplication of high quality planting material producing 40-50 minitubers per tissue culture plantlet. Traditional seed production system has the limitation of repeated exposure of initial disease free seed stocks to soil and insect pests which results into accumulation of pathogens and accompanying deterioration in quality of produce by the time it reaches to the end user.
Potato Seed

Seed potatoes are the foundation for next year
Each country and each population has its own preferences regarding how potatoes should look, taste and be cooked. So all over the world, local growers need seed potatoes that meet their customers’ specific wishes. Whether table potatoes, potatoes for the processing industry or organically grown potatoes. Cultivation conditions can vary from country to country. Type of soil, climate, fertilisation and storage conditions are all key factors determining the end result. With an extensive range of varieties Agrico has the potato that best meets the wishes of our customers.
We export seed potatoes to potato growers all over the world. Growers can choose from a range comprising more than 80 varieties. These seed potatoes are grown by 600 specialised Agrico growers. Our product technical department intensively supervises those growers throughout the cultivation process.
Bringing the best seeds to you
As far as potatoes are concerned, Agrico is the right address. Agrico is a large, powerful, cooperative organisation. Agrico is committed to breeding and growing a top quality product, geared to the specific demands and local conditions of customers, everywhere in the world.
We have a packing company for table potatoes Leo de Kock & zn B.V. in Purmerend and our own in-house breeding and research company Agrico Research in Bant where new potato varieties are developed. We also have a large number of trial fields in the Netherlands and abroad where we trial our new crossings year after year.
The sales and introduction of new varieties is co-ordinated by our head office in the Netherlands. We work intensively with an extensive, international network of subsidiaries and joint investment interests in companies in France, Great Britain, Poland , Sweden and Canada . Besides this, we also have agents in virtually all seed potato importing countries